The Militant Church

This post is a treatise I wrote based upon a series on the subject taught by Dr Christian Harfouche.

We are constantly in a spiritual war, almost entirely invisible. This spiritual realm and war therein are more real than the physical world that we can see and touch. We must walk in faith knowing that we were preselected for this era by God to accomplish His purpose in His kingdom. We were not randomly put here and as His choice He has provided us with all weapons necessary for victory. In Genesis 1:26 we find that we were created in His image for dominion of the earth. We know our final destiny is to rule and reign with our Lord Jesus Christ. The first Adam forfeited dominion requiring the second Adam, Jesus Christ, to redeem His inheritance.

Our enemy, Satan, hates man and is determined to steal our inheritance. A militant Church is the total solution and I believe  God is raising up militant champions that are fearless and know who they are in Him. The Lord wants us to be victorious 100% all of the time and has provided the tools/weapons to insure the same. “The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.”(2 Corinthians 10:4) If you believe the word of God, it should be settled, and you should be fearless. The problem is lack of faith in many. Faith needs to be inculcated in the spirit of leaders. Leaders must accept the anointing given for their region, nation, or continent. There can be no apathy as we are in escalated time and the Lord is ready for the great harvest of souls. Militant leaders and a militant Church are critical to meeting the Lord’s purpose. I am all in as I want it and detest seeing the mission transferred to a future generation. His purpose must be accomplished, in our lives and Christ’s body the Church, today. We must change hearts and minds through the One who lives in us and desires to accomplish His purpose through us.

We are given authority and the power to accomplish His purpose. If we operate in our authority and anointing looking unto Jesus, the author and perfector of or faith, we will never fail. We must remember that the worlds were framed by the Word of God and though Adam forfeited his inheritance Jesus stripped it from Satan and returned it to us. When the Word is in your heart and in your mouth, that sword severs all the evil that attempts to bring you down. The Lord will send you fully armed for victory. When you receive and believe what God says it is yours. As a body we are not 100% on target. Considering that there are 2.5 billion Christians, why are we less than victorious? The answer is that we are apathetic and lack the militancy requisite to Victory. How shall we then live? A great awakening must occur, and it is our assignment in this hour.

An army operates through leaders, soldiers, and logistics. The Lord has all the logistics completely covered so the “ball is in our court.” We have been given the Spirit of truth and if we preach the same fear and can’t be our issue as we become Champions. We obtain power when Holy Spirit comes upon us and the greater is He that is within us becomes visible to those we encounter. When we operate in faith, knowing, we are assured of the outcome because greater is He that is within us is greater than he that is in the world. It is time to step out in great faith and accelerate into the promises and purpose for our life knowing that He will accomplish His will through us and hasten His kingdom come.

Faith works through God and God is love. Love never fails. If we dwell in love, we dwell in God and He in us. Perfect love casteth off fear. His covenant is eternal and will never fail. Our obedience is surety of the promises of God. Whatever the enemy has stollen we must take back. Scripture reminds us that the kingdom suffers violence but the violent take it by force. The militant church must rise, decree our inheritance, and take back all that has been stolen from us. “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:3-5) A Christian has covenant with God and if married with their spouse also. The enemy does anything possible to disrupt the power of covenant. We can resist by living in Holy Spirit power and the attenuating victory. Continual growth strengthens us to resist the fiery darts of the enemy and live in total victory. Strong faith neutralizes the circumstances that befall us and enables us to rise above and grasp promised victory. When we ask in faith nothing wavering it is given to us. The anointing of Holy Spirit is the game changer. Jesus didn’t preach until Holy Spirit came upon Him at His baptism. Jesus had 100% victory, therefore so do we when He lives in us and we are yielded and appropriate by faith.

There are momentary afflictions for the sanctified Christian, but the power of God delivers us from all. As Paul told Timothy we too should stir up the gifts within us before our mind tries to change them. The requirement of militancy is crucial in this hour worldwide, but especially in our United States of America. Renewed dedication and control of our thought life, thereby enhancing our calling, is requisite to victory. It is time to aggressively contend for our inheritance and bring souls into the light of Christ.

We must realize that we have been given jurisdiction. We are prophet, priest, and king – our high calling in Christ who was The Prophet, The Priest, and The King. Amos 3:7 says that the Lord will do nothing without first revealing it to His prophets. 2 Chronicles 20:20 tells us to believe God and be established, believe His Prophets and prosper. The word is spirit and life; otherwise, it will not preach. Our jurisdiction assures that we can exercise all of Christ by the indwelling of His life in and through us. That which was relinquished by Adam was restored by Christ, therefore we can be 100% victorious 100% of the time. We must plow our spirit to accept God’s seed if we want to get God’s results.

Even though we have authority and generous blessings in our nation we have far too many weak spiritual leaders. This situation is a critical impediment to the catalyst connecting to the magnitude of the gifts God desires to bestow upon us. We must never stop short of our miracle. Rejection of the prophetic seriously hinders the catalyst and the arm of God moving in us and our nation.

We should choose to be chosen. When we let God leaven His triune creation it quickens the spirit within and becomes the catalyst to change, such that we become all He purposes us to be. Finding total commitment and silencing all negative voices of the enemy as 1Thessalonians 5:23 states the God of peace transforms and sanctifies wholly, setting us apart in our triune being for the work of God. Multiplication is the grace reward to faith. When our Holy Spirit indwelling oozes from us, He changes all we encounter. When we yield to the supernatural, signs and wonders present and follow us. I have witnessed this in my metron of Africa and expect this manifestation whenever I minister the Gospel. Embracing the graphe word with the prophetic rhema we stay on target and accomplish the purpose of God for our lives.

Two thousand years later people are trying to build Him a Kingdom that already exists. We merely need to appropriate and embrace that existence and manifest the Glory of our Lord and King. Paul tells us in Romans 8:19 that all creation awaits in eager expectation for the manifestation of the sons of God. We must be militant in our expectations and actions to manifest His glory in all we do. Shout unto God with a voice of triumph. We fight and we win – let that sink into the depths of our spirit and transform us into a mighty army. We are His offspring as we are born of God. Properly nurtured, the seed planted in us produces life in abundance and transforms us into His image preparing us for that day when we cast off our earthly flesh suit and become like Him as we confront Him face to face in all His Glory.

The Apostle Paul explains the fellowship of the mystery: “My passion is to enlighten every person to this divine mystery. It was hidden for ages past until now, and kept a secret in the heart of God, the Creator of all. The purpose of this was to unveil before every throne and rank of angelic orders in the heavenly realm God’s full and diverse wisdom revealed through the church. This perfectly wise plan was destined from eternal ages and fulfilled completely in our Lord Jesus Christ, so that now we have boldness through him, and free access as kings before the Father because of our complete confidence in Christ’s faithfulness.”(Ephesians 3:9-12 TPT) Where do we need to go to become full participants. The answer is a militant church 100% victorious 100% of the time.

“And since we now have a magnificent High Priest to welcome us into God’s house, we come closer to God and approach Him with an open heart, fully convinced that nothing will keep us at a distance from Him. For our hearts have been sprinkled with blood to remove impurity, and we have been freed from an accusing conscience. Now we are clean, unstained, and presentable to God inside and out! So now wrap your heart tightly around the hope that lives within us, knowing that God always keeps his promises! Discover creative ways to encourage others and to motivate them toward acts of compassion, doing beautiful works as expressions of love. This is not the time to pull away and neglect meeting together, as some have formed the habit of doing. In fact, we should come together even more frequently, eager to encourage and urge each other onward as we anticipate that day dawning.(Hebrews 10:21-25 TPT) Again, the answer is 100% militant – 100% victory – 100% of the time!


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