How Then Shall We Live: The Rise and Fall of Western Civilization is a book published in 1976 by Francis Shaffer. Shaffer wrote “If there are no absolutes by which to judge society, the society is absolute. Society is left with one man or an elite filling the vacuum left by the loss of the Christian consensus which originally gave us form and freedom.”

48 years later I posit this to remind us of what was necessary to secure our freedom. We Americans celebrate with fireworks. But the supposition is even more valid today. I believe the rise in humanism and a church asleep on its purposed mission has become ripe fruit for the devourer.

I gave this message on the 4th of July  which commemorates our Independence from the tyrannical powers that suppressed our nation in 1776.  Our nation is in grave danger today, our world for that matter. We allowed our leaders to sell us into slavery to the very enemy we cast off. The United States went from being a Republic to a Corporation controlled by that enemy. The nation founded on God with liberty for all was sold out from under us. So few know this or even understand its ramifications.

Where is the Church that needs to become the fireworks of God? The church needs to dictate how we are to live under the auspices of Almighty God. Jesus said in Matthew 11:12 that the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force. Do you have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church? The return of President Trump, chosen by God, is a positive step but he is one man. We need a militant army decreeing the will of God as did the 1st century church. Armies are victorious when unified in purpose and equipped for battle. We have the equipment and personnel but lack unity & conviction.

Pastors became the focal point in the American Church. Hello!!! What does Ephesians 4:10-15 have to say? If anyone in leadership is reading this post and is in any way impeding the mission of the Body, I admonish you to repent. If this is you, you are a stumbling block to the Kingdom blessings the Lord wants us all to experience now.

The Metron given Dr Lindy & me is Apostolic to the Continent of Africa and is where we flourish. We also have a mission to the First Coast of Florida. I believe God called us to a fathering role in this hour. Our female Pastor is a controversial figure because she enthusiastically preaches the goodness of God, that He wants all to experience victory in every area of their life.  She should only be a target of the devil, yet she gets friendly fire from God’s ministers. If that is you, repent now of this sin and become a militant leader and defender of the body of Christ.

As a father and defender of the faith, I say to you women let no man or doctrine thereof hold you back from that which God has called you. If you’re married practice Godly submission to your husband. Husbands, your role is much harder as you are called to love her as Christ loves the Church. It works and is absolutely necessary to fully move in your purpose. The Lord supported women in ministry. The Apostle Paul supported women in ministry. God calls whom He will and gives gifts and ministries as He chooses; humans must not put limitations on divine prerogatives.

The God of the Bible does not show favoritism. There were 7 Rabbinically recognized Old Testament prophetesses: Sarah, Miriam, Deborah, Hannah, Huldah, Abigail, and Esther. In the United States Aimee Semple Mc Pherson was a powerful Evangel and founder of the Four Square denomination. No one can deny the powerful anointing on Evangelist & Faith Healer, Kathryn Kuhlman. Maria Woodworth-Etter’s healing meetings drew such crowds that she eventually purchased an 8,000-seat tent. She was pivotal in founding the Assemblies of God church in 1914.

Yet the Southern Baptist Convention has its official doctrinal statement saying the office of pastor is limited to men. Most of the liturgical church bans women from priesthood. All based on one scripture: 1 Timothy 2:12 “And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.” This was a one-time instruction of Paul to Timothy based upon the situation in Ephesus as the women were following the goddess Artemis and the men were too weak to correct the issue.

Ladies, as a Father, I charge you to seek the truth and boldly pursue your call. I quote Prophet Jordan Wells, Jacksonville, Florida, whom I do not know, but the word resonates in my spirit. The Spirit of The Lord said, “This is the hour of woman to go forth in ministry. They will build churches and carry strong prophetic mantles.” This religious spirit and Jezebel spirit will only fuel Gods outpouring upon woman. The voice of the woman of God will not be silenced says God.“

We Christians represent 30% of the world population. Let’s banish doctrines of man, become militant and fulfill our purpose. Let it not be said that we were a chosen generation that couldn’t get it done. I for one want to see the Glory consume the earth and hear well done son. How then shall you live?

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